Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Fall of al-Tabqa Airbase Part II: Fighter Accounts

After the fall of Syrian Army Base 93, and later, the al-Tabqa Airbase, the Islamic State terrorist-insurgency released video statements from fighters involved in both operations.

I. Approximate translations
Video 1: "A Video Tour Inside al-Tabqa Military Airport in Raqqa After its Liberation // The Islamic State"


In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

A video tour inside the al-Tabqa military airbase after its liberation.

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Prayers and peace be upon our lord Mohammed, the seal of the prophets and the messengers. By the will and at the order of Allah the Almighty and Most High, the Islamic State conquered the 17th brigade, the 21st regiment, and the 91st brigade. 

The order came from Riyad al-Harb, of the Islamic State, to prepare to storm the al-Tabqa military airport. 

We began with reconnaissance, led by soldiers from the Islamic State Army, the might of the State, rreconnaissance by land, and by air, using (unmanned) aerial vehicles.
Thanks be to Allah, the Almighty and Most High, we prepared the attack, and laid siege to the airport from its four sides. Then, after three days of siege, we stormed the airport. 

The operation proceeded in stages. 

The first stage was taking the airplane barrier, a solid barrier, the first to be captured.

Then we began, then in the second stage, we took the main gate, which is the airport's most important gate, for taking out (heavy guns) to hit al-Tabqa City.

Cameraman: This is the gate of the airport, after the Islamic State gained control of it ... remnants of (inaudible). Here are the tanks of the Nusairi pigs. 


And after that ... after two days, we prepared ourselves for the big raid, which was the storming of the airport's general headquarters. 

Then, the soldiers of the Islamic State, thanks be to Allah, the Almighty and Most High, undertook the raid, a successful raid, that lead to the complete liberation of the airport, thanks be to Allah, the Almighty and Most High.

These are the planes, which Allah, the Almighty and Most High, granted to us through our conquest. We've turned these spoils, captured from the unbelievers, from weapons used to destroy Muslims, to kill women and children, to weapons in the hands of the Islamic State.

Cameraman: Allah is Greatest, and Glory be to Allah. These are planes of the Nusairi regime, that were used to kill Muslims, now spoils of the Islamic State.

Video 2: "Islamic State Fighting with the Army"

First fighter:

(Reciting Surat Al-'Anfal):

"O you who believe, when you meet those who disbelieve in battle, do not turn your backs to them [in flight]. 

And whoever turns his back to them on such a day, unless swerving [as a strategy] for war or joining [another] company, has certainly returned with anger [upon him] from Allah , and his refuge is Hell - and wretched is the destination.

And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He might test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing."

Screen: The Battle to Liberate the 93rd Brigade, Raqqa State

Fighter 1: (Pointing to map, audibly non-native Arabic speaker) You all enter from here. Three groups. You are to provide help to your brothers, who are waiting here ... yes. 

Fighter 2: Tracks -

Fighter 1: (Talking over fighter 2) There are ... "tracks" ... so they must be (inaudible) present. And "tracks" also come directly from this second road here, to the, the ... 

Fighter 2: - Headquarters. 

Fighter 1: (Pointing at map center) The headquarters. Okay? Here, advance, comb (the area), then second, (inaudible) at the headquarters.

II. Comments

In our first video, we can verify the alleged course of battle, and filmed base scenes, using Google Earth and Panoramio.

In our second video, although the surveilled base matches Google Earth imagery, it is impossible to tell whether IS actually launched a reconnaissance drone, or simply discovered existing military or commercial flyover imagery.

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